
Every resource on Hose Monster products you could ever need.

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Flow charts? User guides? Detailed product information? Get all the Hose Monster literature you need right here!

Hose Monster offers online tools to customers such as our water pump test calculator.

Hydrant Flow Test Calculator

Calculator for hydrant flow testing.

Hose Monster offers a hydrant flow calculator you can use by clicking on this icon image here.

Pump Test Hose Calculator

Calculator for pump test hoses.

Hose Monster has all of the terminology you'll need to understand what our company offers and how it can be used.

Flow Testing Terminology

If you’ve found an unfamiliar term, it’s probably on this list.

Hose Monster has a blog that you can read about here regularly with industry news and information.

Monster Blogs

We think a lot about safety and fire prevention, and often like to share our thoughts with you.

Visit the Hose Monster FAQ section to have your questions about our water valve systems answered.


When it comes to fire prevention, you should have plenty of questions. Let’s see if we can answer any of them here.


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